“2020-2023 National Smart Cities Strategy and Action Plan” prepared by the Department of Smart Cities and Geographical Technologies under the Directorate General of Geographical Information Systems of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change is a reference for municipalities and related organisations. The world's fourth Smart City strategy and action plan, which is prepared at the national level for the first time, is divided into groups on the basis of components in the current situation and target outlook. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Smart City Services have been grouped based on the components accepted within the scope of the action plan prepared by the Ministry, in order to provide a holistic perspective for the purpose of service integrity.
Many Smart City services, realised for the first time in Gaziantep, play a pioneering role in Türkiye. By supporting citizen services with technology-based works for Smart Urbanism” and full transition to digital transformation, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality continues to work for the transformation to the information economy and creates infrastructure with the services it offers in the field of smart cities. Strengthening interaction and communication by adopting an innovative management style together with all stakeholders and citizens with the cooperation model is crucial in all our service areas.